It's raining...It's pouring... the time i write this, the rain had just was quite heavy during the late midnight...the cloud was still a bit dark, is the start of an 'unplanned' one-week holiday...what i mean is, since most of the lecturers are taking part in sports week somewhere in kl, our class is temporarily suspended until next i could go back home sometime this week...but not today, i'm still stuck at parit raja...i'm a bit lazy to go outside, so i stayed here, playing games, particularly Sid Meier's's a great game, and of the currently top-rated's about attacking ships, plundering gold, take over city, find lost relative and lost city, beat the 9 well-known pirates, beat the one who kidnapped my relatives 10 years ago, together with his henchman, blablablabla...i think the genre is an action-adventure-strategy game..i manage to collect ALL achievement points (yayyy), and retire as a Govenor...however, i never get to ride on a Ship-Of-The-Line, the most powerful ship in that game, since it spawned -VERY- seldomly...huhuhuu talk about games, probably that's one of the reason i didn't performed so well in my past 2 consecutive exam...warrghhh...i couldn't answer any question correctly..i'm not surprised if i turned out to be the worst...:P...and in this so-called 'holiday', i have to do my 2 assignments...Darn...Anyway, today i've just sent no less than 40 e-mails (and SMS) to my fellow BVC friends...It's something about the Class DVD thing...I still need some pictures, mottos, and stuffs for the 'Personal Vault' section. I hope that you all can provide it before July so I can progress further. Currently, i'm just tinkering with photo collections and keep changing the songs...there's a lot of new albums coming out, and I manage to get them even when their official release is weeks away! (Hail Bittorrent! Hail Seeder Friends!)...okay, probably that's all for now..I had to go back to my paris home...coz Ammar wants the Naruto DVD episodes 51-101 for his little brother (or himself? he is shy to tell the truth :?) okis adios chow Wassalam...
Assalamualikum..wbt, saya ni pemerhati luar sahaja. Saya tgk U punya Blog ni Ok la..creative and nise utk dibaca. Tp satu la yang kurang sikit U x pernah citer @ letak gambar2 family U dlm blog ni, seolah2 U tak pedulikan mereka. Sebagai anak yg baik U mestikan utamakan keluarga(family first) ibu-bapa tu ptg. Tanpa meraka siapalah kita? kan? Kawan2 ni bukan tak penting ttp biarlah mereka ni nombor 5 @ 6 dlm hidup kita. Anyway I hope blh citerkan serba sedikit pasal family U ade gambar2 family. Bukan apa I nampak U mcm anak manja, nampak creative, bijak, tp malangnya U mcm x kesah langsung pasal family U, example time raya U tak balik parents U la...bla...bla..Oklah I nasihat U sbg kawan..
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, May 18, 2005 10:10:00 AM