yesterday was my FYP I seminar day...i was presenting my project (hot-swap card module for IDE hard drive) in front of two panelists, Mr Danial & Miss Nik Shahidah...they were very nice and didn't fire anybody with some death question...I'd glad to have them, although I myself could not present properly...I stammered a couple of times, even there were not a lot of students in the lab left...I had this giddy feelings everytime I presenting in front of someone I did not recognize...I did not have this kind of problem to my coursemates, maybe a little bit...Anyway,I'd only have a few slides, but I tried to explain it as it had 100 slides, and the time limit for presentation was 10 minutes...my panelist asked me to speed up...hhuhuu shame on me...at the end of the seminar, Mr Danial asked "The concept is good, but it looks as this project is too easy..." rightly said, since he saw that the only thing i have to do is buy the suitable components, and connect it without further analysis...hahaha so true...the circuit is based on the chip manufacturer datasheet...I told them that I am modifying the circuit to fit my needs..and there WILL be some analysis, some measurement to be done, which will be done on second phase...this is because the datasheet only shows the test procedure on one specific condition, whereas I will test it on various hard drive, power supply (or computer) to check its compatibility...Another thing I suggest to them is that I will be doing the software part, so it will do the process of detecting/uninstall the hard drive I/O interface with Windows, automatically...originally, I did not cover this one because the manual way is not too hard to do...but of course, I need to make sure that on my second phase FYP is "hard" enough to please the panelist...Finally, one thing I couldn't forget is from Mr Danial..."Nice tie", he said, looking at my Kolej Legenda tie...hehehe..he compliments the tie, not me anyway :P BTW, I didn't have my pictures during the presentation...my friend borrowed my camera...so I could only show you my pictures -AFTER- the presentation, at home...this is probably the ONLY time you could see me wearing smart outfit..huhuhu
PS - this semester isn't over yet...there's still final examination after raya...warghh...!!
yesterday was my FYP I seminar day...i was presenting my project (hot-swap card module for IDE hard drive) in front of two panelists, Mr Danial & Miss Nik Shahidah...they were very nice and didn't fire anybody with some death question...I'd glad to have them, although I myself could not present properly...I stammered a couple of times, even there were not a lot of students in the lab left...I had this giddy feelings everytime I presenting in front of someone I did not recognize...I did not have this kind of problem to my coursemates, maybe a little bit...Anyway,I'd only have a few slides, but I tried to explain it as it had 100 slides, and the time limit for presentation was 10 minutes...my panelist asked me to speed up...hhuhuu shame on me...at the end of the seminar, Mr Danial asked "The concept is good, but it looks as this project is too easy..." rightly said, since he saw that the only thing i have to do is buy the suitable components, and connect it without further analysis...hahaha so true...the circuit is based on the chip manufacturer datasheet...I told them that I am modifying the circuit to fit my needs..and there WILL be some analysis, some measurement to be done, which will be done on second phase...this is because the datasheet only shows the test procedure on one specific condition, whereas I will test it on various hard drive, power supply (or computer) to check its compatibility...Another thing I suggest to them is that I will be doing the software part, so it will do the process of detecting/uninstall the hard drive I/O interface with Windows, automatically...originally, I did not cover this one because the manual way is not too hard to do...but of course, I need to make sure that on my second phase FYP is "hard" enough to please the panelist...Finally, one thing I couldn't forget is from Mr Danial..."Nice tie", he said, looking at my Kolej Legenda tie...hehehe..he compliments the tie, not me anyway :P BTW, I didn't have my pictures during the presentation...my friend borrowed my camera...so I could only show you my pictures -AFTER- the presentation, at home...this is probably the ONLY time you could see me wearing smart outfit..huhuhu
wowowo... kacak mmg kacak! cuma maybe aku lbh kacak sket dr ko smlm. huhu best gila feeling bile dah lps present. dapat pulak panel yg agak blurr pasal pojek.haha :D
Posted by
ammar |
Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:11:00 PM
Mmg Gaya exekutip.... Well done for PSM 1... kira Success ni... Wish yall (include every PSM newbiees) Success utk PSM 2 plak.... BTW, Shaggy, ko leh ready nak isi borang Paten projek ko nih....
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, October 27, 2005 6:24:00 PM
eh? kacak sederhana melampau? boleh la boleh la... nasib baik aku yg utang ko, kalo x aku kene mintak royalti ayat aku tuh..
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, October 28, 2005 7:50:00 AM
hehe kacakss gile membe aku sorang nih!! ader gaye pegawai pejabat imegresen kat kajang..huhu.
tapi ofis tu dah pindah..ganti dengan nasi kandar Kayu yg POYO mahal nak mamposs..berite terbaru aku dengor nasik kandor tu dah tutup..tak laku la kot..
nak celen dgn satey samuri sebelahnye tu ha..maner leh survive beb.eh ape aku melalut ni.
k la shagy,,aku harap ko jadik "insan" yg berperwatakan seperti "gambo smart" ko tu..huhu double meaning tu!
k bye2.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, November 08, 2005 4:53:00 PM