families always my first priority...
on my previous postings titled "it's raining, it's pouring", there's one from 'anonymous' (and no, it's not that 'usual' anonymous person :P) comment about the lack (or actually, NONE) of my stories & pictures about my family. Well, i would like to thank that person for pointing this out. Yes indeed, i have yet to tell something about my family and/or uploading family shots. But i'm kinda distracted when he/she said that i didn't care about them whatsoever, and put friends first in line...hmmm how should i say this...here, i have no intention to counter the person's comments as is is somewhat true, but then again, i had to clarify certain things to him/her (and also you) about what kind of person i am...
1) anak manja - definitely NOT TRUE! actually, i DESPISE these 'anak-manja' type person. they are so irritating. I usually don't give any person with these kind of attitudes any chance. It's not to say that we cannot 'bermanja-manja' with anybody but there are certain suitable time and place, and not to overdo it. I said this when i look at my youngest sister, (already 8 years old) who always ask for anything from my parents and starts to cry and go bezerk when she didn't get. If she can blog, probably you can ask her how many times i 'beat' her whenever that happens (and ONLY if that happens...so don't get the wrong idea).
2) creative - somewhat TRUE...since you already looked this variety of this blog, you may judge me based on that. I only be creative on something that I like, such as creating my class DVD, video-editing,blabla...Of course, i only ASSUMED that, since my friends didn't tell me specificly that i'm creative. (they did said that it looked great, though :D)...
3) bijak - hmmmmm....am i or not? in a sinister word, i would called myself 'biijaakkkssssssss' (you should know what this means)....no, i'm not smart..in fact, if you did read my past posts, i mentioned how s*cks i can be...kinda loser...although i hate to say that to myself..only just to ease up some pressure...one thing for sure, my friends will always be 'smarter' than me, and so, i always seek help from them on anything..
okay, now about the lack of family content:
1)i can say that 70% of my current student time is here (parit raja) around my university while the rest is my hometown (putra permai) with my family. this is to be expected (except if you're living with parents, coming back and forth from university to your house, and not living in hostel or rent house). so my stories VASTLY about my U life...
2)because of 1), there's a LOT of activities i'm involved together with friends so that's why i'm writing blog about it. (party, barbeque, camping etc.)...it's possible that these activities can be done with our family, but it's unlikely that we're going to do that FREQUENTLY.
3)even if there is some interesting event happens in my family, i can't immediately write a blog about it because we have NO INTERNET CONNECTION at our home a putra permai. ops, should i say that we don't have any TELEPHONE LINE either! all communications through our cellphones...
4) is that 'balik kampung' thingy bugging you?i always go back for raya puasa with my parents. But raya haji, however, since there aren't usually long holidays, i prefer not to go back during that time. (in fact, i haven't go back during raya haji for 5 years...)...coincidently, on early this year, i had a bit long holiday for that, but i already had earlier plans on something else...
5)if you mean that i should tell *ANYTHING* about my families, such as who are they, what are they doing, how are they now etc., then as far as i can recall, and i have rechecked my past blog, i DIDN'T do the same to any my friends..okay, probably just indirectly, IF ANY...'sipi-sipi'...my point is, i think there are certain aspect between me and my families should not be mentioned openly as i have my utmost LOVE and RESPECT to them...then how about friends? since i always blurb around about them, it means don't like them? friends are different than families...pshycological reason, i think...you can think for yourself...
and oh, since we're on this topic, let me tell you something...i DID have an A4 sized family photos mounted on my wall in my room...and i also have a slightly smaller version of it, pasted IN MY FILE so everytime i go to class and open the file to take out some paper for writing notes, i will ALWAYS look at the photos..and i will ALWAYS remembered them, thinking what they are expecting of me when i'm here, and what should i've done to repay them...
sorry if this blog is longer than expected...i didn't meand to offense you or anybody...i can be just a bit emotional sometimes...but as i said earlier, YOU ARE RIGHT, i should have post something about my families, upload some pictures, etc...so thank you....
PS - i've got the feeling that this person actually knows me...it doesn't matter who....
on my previous postings titled "it's raining, it's pouring", there's one from 'anonymous' (and no, it's not that 'usual' anonymous person :P) comment about the lack (or actually, NONE) of my stories & pictures about my family. Well, i would like to thank that person for pointing this out. Yes indeed, i have yet to tell something about my family and/or uploading family shots. But i'm kinda distracted when he/she said that i didn't care about them whatsoever, and put friends first in line...hmmm how should i say this...here, i have no intention to counter the person's comments as is is somewhat true, but then again, i had to clarify certain things to him/her (and also you) about what kind of person i am...
1) anak manja - definitely NOT TRUE! actually, i DESPISE these 'anak-manja' type person. they are so irritating. I usually don't give any person with these kind of attitudes any chance. It's not to say that we cannot 'bermanja-manja' with anybody but there are certain suitable time and place, and not to overdo it. I said this when i look at my youngest sister, (already 8 years old) who always ask for anything from my parents and starts to cry and go bezerk when she didn't get. If she can blog, probably you can ask her how many times i 'beat' her whenever that happens (and ONLY if that happens...so don't get the wrong idea).
2) creative - somewhat TRUE...since you already looked this variety of this blog, you may judge me based on that. I only be creative on something that I like, such as creating my class DVD, video-editing,blabla...Of course, i only ASSUMED that, since my friends didn't tell me specificly that i'm creative. (they did said that it looked great, though :D)...
3) bijak - hmmmmm....am i or not? in a sinister word, i would called myself 'biijaakkkssssssss' (you should know what this means)....no, i'm not smart..in fact, if you did read my past posts, i mentioned how s*cks i can be...kinda loser...although i hate to say that to myself..only just to ease up some pressure...one thing for sure, my friends will always be 'smarter' than me, and so, i always seek help from them on anything..
okay, now about the lack of family content:
1)i can say that 70% of my current student time is here (parit raja) around my university while the rest is my hometown (putra permai) with my family. this is to be expected (except if you're living with parents, coming back and forth from university to your house, and not living in hostel or rent house). so my stories VASTLY about my U life...
2)because of 1), there's a LOT of activities i'm involved together with friends so that's why i'm writing blog about it. (party, barbeque, camping etc.)...it's possible that these activities can be done with our family, but it's unlikely that we're going to do that FREQUENTLY.
3)even if there is some interesting event happens in my family, i can't immediately write a blog about it because we have NO INTERNET CONNECTION at our home a putra permai. ops, should i say that we don't have any TELEPHONE LINE either! all communications through our cellphones...
4) is that 'balik kampung' thingy bugging you?i always go back for raya puasa with my parents. But raya haji, however, since there aren't usually long holidays, i prefer not to go back during that time. (in fact, i haven't go back during raya haji for 5 years...)...coincidently, on early this year, i had a bit long holiday for that, but i already had earlier plans on something else...
5)if you mean that i should tell *ANYTHING* about my families, such as who are they, what are they doing, how are they now etc., then as far as i can recall, and i have rechecked my past blog, i DIDN'T do the same to any my friends..okay, probably just indirectly, IF ANY...'sipi-sipi'...my point is, i think there are certain aspect between me and my families should not be mentioned openly as i have my utmost LOVE and RESPECT to them...then how about friends? since i always blurb around about them, it means don't like them? friends are different than families...pshycological reason, i think...you can think for yourself...
and oh, since we're on this topic, let me tell you something...i DID have an A4 sized family photos mounted on my wall in my room...and i also have a slightly smaller version of it, pasted IN MY FILE so everytime i go to class and open the file to take out some paper for writing notes, i will ALWAYS look at the photos..and i will ALWAYS remembered them, thinking what they are expecting of me when i'm here, and what should i've done to repay them...
sorry if this blog is longer than expected...i didn't meand to offense you or anybody...i can be just a bit emotional sometimes...but as i said earlier, YOU ARE RIGHT, i should have post something about my families, upload some pictures, etc...so thank you....
PS - i've got the feeling that this person actually knows me...it doesn't matter who....
Saya nak minta maaf Banyak2 I`m so Sorry Saya dah salah faham ttg how u thingking. so awak dah maafkan saya?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, May 19, 2005 4:27:00 PM
relax, don't sweat about it...jgn rase bersalah sangat...betuller kate awak, nenanti saya letak banyak sikit gambar orang rumah saya...ok?
Posted by
Shah-Azz, Inc. |
Friday, May 20, 2005 12:36:00 PM