I'm 24-7 accessible...sort of..
Finally, our landlord Mr Samad installed Streamyx in all his rent house (including us!)...this is what we'd dying for a long time ago...to get access to a hi-speed low-cost broadband internet...the line installed is only 512kbps, but since Mr Samad himself is a TM Worker, he is eligible for a discount...and so, we only have to pay RM49 a month...anyway, we had to share the line with our girls neighbour....divide by 8...oklar, still fast...my 1st task was to update my antivirus definition, and to patch up all windows vulnerabilities...then..hehehe....its torrent time! i'm not an avid anime/movie downloader, so i didn't consume too much bandwidth for others...i mostly collect latest softwares & songs...i'm also not too keen on chatting on IRC or IM...so pardon if my status is "I'm on SMS" all the time :P