Miss Once.Miss Twice.Miss Thrice? I Dare Not To...
It’s quite surprising that even when I didn’t yet to write a full review of this entry, there were already 10 comments...haha. Anyway, I won’t let you wait for more because I finally found the strength and courage to finally write this..haha yeah riitee..
I originally wanted to write my 7 years flashback, starting from year 1. But things got a little bit complicated, and a bit...emotional. So I think I’ll reserve that for another entry. I’ll write solely about my convocation only.
So as you can see at the title, this was my third and FINAL attempt on graduation. My original graduation year was supposed to be 2005. But under some circumstances and conditions, I couldn’t make it. (Namely, I have tons of failed and newly taken subjects need to be covered). Sincerely, I didn’t feel that bad of missing this one. This was the year for the smart, hardworking and the geeks to graduate. (No offense to you. It’s a compliment for you that I’m neither in any 3 of the groups, quite the opposite). About a year before this, I’d sensed that I had to do an extension anyhow. After the so-called ‘Jiwa Kacau’ period (it is the time when the majorities of my friends struck by the sense of ‘the end of nothing’), it was clear that an extension was inevitable.
I had enough credits and time to finish within one year. ONE YEAR. That’s 2 semester extensions. During my 1st half of my extension years, I still had a lot of my coursemates stayed, mostly for their FYP. I scored one of my highest GPA throughout my studies. With 16 credits left, I said “Bring it on, my last semester is coming!”
I faltered at time when it matter the most. It was supposedly the finish line, and 2006 was supposedly my ultimate graduation year. A lot of my “sekepala” and “segile-gile” friends (I mean, REALLY LOT) graduate that year, and I had a lot of plans coming through my head. I was thinking instead of throwing the mortarboard, I would throw the robe itself in the air. I told some of my friends about my “gile2” plan. That plan never actually occurred.
I thought that it was the biggest failure of my life. A loser. A catastrophe And so, I’m in a state of nothingness, emptiness, forgetfulness (Into Oblivion). I remained like this until something came and knocked my head. I’ve been inspired. I would say that it happened not because it just happened, or it was destined to happen (although we still believe in fate, Qada' & Qadar). It is because I CHOOSE for it to happen. I have a complete control of every situation and it is my decision to NOT TO graduate early. Had I decide otherwise early on, I might not only finished on time, I might also have a great job, big car & house, lovely wives and kids etc at this moment, right here right now. Since I choose this path, I would know the risk, the consequences, and the price I had to pay. One thing that I eventually learn is that you need to have faith in the choice you made, and believe that God is always there to help us. With His virtue, and our patience, He’ll guide us thoroughly to the path of rightfulness.
Honestly, I’m glad that it happened this way (I do admit sometimes that things might be even better OR worse if it happens otherwise...but what the heck..)
So it doesn’t matter when I took this long to graduate. I’m very happy that I actually completed my studies, and that’s the most important thing. While I’ve reached the finish line, it is not the end of the journey of my life. I’ve just ended ‘scribbling’ one part of chapter in my book – the U life. This chapter is a bit ‘longer’ than the past chapter- childhood life, primary school life, secondary school life etc. And there’s still a lot of chapters; INSEP life, Master/phD life, work life, marriage life etc. I wish and I prayed that I am able to write every page of every possible chapter and hope it’s not abruptly ended (you know what I mean).
So, September 3rd 2007. Here it is. My day has finally come.
Before we entered the DTI hall, we had to prepared ourselves in DK2
I thought I looked great in “Baju Kebangsaan" a.k.a. "Baju Melayu”. Only 2 person wore this style in my batch, me and Aleng. But mine was a custom-made suited for my body, traditional with a modern touch ala Raihan style. Another note was that, we’ve got to wear the new, UTHM robe which looked more vibrant than last years’ (And who said that late graduation was a bad thing?)
These 2 guys are my 7 years comrades. Mr Khairulfikri Kadri and Mr Jamal Abas. (Fikri was actually 6 ½ years, but that’s close enough).
The 1st girl I snapped myself with is Miss Nur Firdaus a.k.a. Qider. She is one of my uE’s friend, and she helped me adjusting my hood. You could see here that she is one of those ‘happy-go-lucky’ people (btoi ka?) and easily to be tagged along.
Yup, this was the VIDEO that you watched weeks before. In my mind, I was thinking of walking as macho as possible. I never thought that the end result was too ‘far-fetched’. It looked like I was in a marching band (like like Mr Earl said). One thing you’ll notice is that I was the LAST person to receive the board, as you could hear “Terima Kasih Yang Berbahagia blabla2” afterwards. Actually there was an intermission for the choirs to sing before it resumed for the next person (that’s Mr Yusri). My Mama asked why they paused right after me, I said that maybe I’m ‘special’. Nice Guys Finish Last. haha (very ironic indeed).
Outside the hall, I was looking for ‘hapless victims’ (I mean, the one who will be with me in a photo).
Once again, I met with Qider, so she’s my 1st shot.
Then Mr Khairi Halis a.k.a. Brahem, the last year’s graduates also from my BVC mates. We really appreciated him visiting us here, although his real objective was ‘someone else’ in the evening session...hehe
Mama & Abah, my 2 biggest inspiration forever and ever. Twice I let them down; twice I made them waiting for me. I’m glad they finally able to see me holding this board, wearing this robe.
Some of my other INSEP friends. They were from other courses, I just know Mr Afiz & Mr Apiey from here :p
1st shot with another BVC 6 1/2 years comrade, Mr Nor Amin Sudir.
Ermm...she’s not my INSEP friend, not even my BVC mates. So to (finally) stop any ongoing gossips, she is my cousin, Miss CT Salwaniee. She’s 2 years junior, and a lot of my INSEP uE friends are her friends as well. I felt ashamed of being a useless cousin when I ‘ignored’ her in the early years and just started to talk and getting along in the final years. (Not that we are really that close at Kampung anyway, but then again, that’s the problem). She is still at UTHM right now, pursuing MEdu.
With Mr Rafiq, another uE friends. I believed that he was the only other uE guy besides me with Baju Kebangsaan.
My another 7 years comrade, Mr Nazri aka Mae aka Madnur Mansur with his mom and sister-in-law.
It’s a privilege for me to snap with the smartest and the only 3-pointer guy in uE, Mr Johari Long aka Pa’Joe.
I would like to take a one-by-one shot with Miss Rashida aka Shida Charm (another my uE gals) but after thinking twice, I had to pull Rafiq alongside me. Or else he’ll torture me to death...kidding la incik Rafiq.
Yo! What’s up nandemonai? (belasah je cakap)...with Mr Yuzrin aka MatYuz, another uE guys.
With the nation’s most well known newscaster, Mr Farit..err I mean Farahan...Hadfi Farahan aka Chip that is..
Azali aka Aleng’s family
I’m with Hafis, the one with the best FKEE FYP award (Development of Monitoring & Controlling System for Industrial Conveyer Model Using LAB view Software). He is my ex-uE, before he pursued his career.
The real oddball in this picture was me. The rest was from the BVP (Communication) course. Aleng-Jamaliah-Mae-(...)-Chip-Isti-Achik
This is me with Sarizah aka Achik, last year’s graduates and Isti’s best pal. It has been said that wherever Isti goes, Achik follows and vice-versa (ni baru btul2 gosip hangat :p). They both are my uE gals too, funny and ‘sengalz’ as well. Sorry la Isti, I didn’t took a one-by-one photo with you laarrr..
Aleng with...his future? :p
But I’m certainly not a part of his future, even with this ‘immoral’ act…aku normal laa weeiiii..Aleng yg songsang..
Once again, We’d got pictures with our Vice Chancellor…yay!
With Our Academic Advisor / Father Figure (especially to Jamal), Prof. Dr Mohd Zarar Mohd Jenu…Like Naz told him "Mintak Maap la Prof, habes lambat sket.." "Aaa xpe2..yang penting kamu grad...lepas ni saya dah boleh tutup file dah...ni asyik2 tiap2 semester bukak balik file jer" he said :p adoii pedas peddassss..my hood was getting more 'selebet' unnoticed...
Brahem-Jai-Syai(his uncle IS the Vice-Chancellor)-Chip-Naz-Amin-Fikri
With Hasniza aka Kanop, another uE gals who already took off her robe. “Panaslarr…” katenye
This is Ummi from RKA, Aleng’s coursemates
Me with my youngest 11 year old sister, Mimi…Mama originally wanted me to get another entrance pass for her because “badan die besar cam 18 tahun" :p
Another one of my 20-year old sisterlar, Kiah...Want me to adjust2 her for you? You do it yourself larr..
Mimi, you have to wait another 10years+ to rightfully earn to wear this mortarboard
My happy family…missing in action includes Shazwan, Hadarul & Ayen.
This is Fazliza..another ex-uE gals of mine before she goes to Cosmopoint…Since I couldn’t find Hafis (the best FYP guy), I hope he didn’t mind I took this one-by-one photo with Liza…can la can? huahuahaha...She was about to leave so I was lucky
This was 2 families combined…See some similarities between Abah and Wanie’s dad? They’re siblings…(Abah is the older brother of Wanie’s dad)
Back home and immediately zzzzzz….I didn’t have the mood to throw anything in the air, so my plan of throwing the robe was a distant memory. Doesn’t matter. I did really enjoyed my day (even I thought that there was still a lot more can be done there)…I would like to congratulate my 7 and 6 ½ years batch, Jamal, Amin, Fikri, Naz, Mae, Chip, Mio (ko blah mane? India lambat lagi arr), Aleng, Isti & Jamaliah and my uE clans Pa’Joe, MatYuz, Rafiq, ZulSyah (his convo on the next day), Aly (mu gi mano? Nate mu nok amik gambo mu takdok), Qider, Shida, Kanop, and the Norabiatul twins (where are you two also?), also to the ex-es, Hafis and Liza, and of course to my lil’ cousin Wanie and the rest of you who graduate.
My Convocation Photos at Picasa
6th UTHM Convocation, 2nd Session @ UCiTV [Intranet Only] (2 hours 54 minutes)
Sementara masih malas nak tulih ape2 lagi, dan untuk menambahkan lagi kepoyoaan aku, maka silelar usha video aku naik stage nih...even aku pon tensen tengok gaya aku, cam robot apentah..wargh!!
sapekah gerangan gadis yg berbaju biru itu? adekah dia buah hati shaggy yg selama ini dirahsiakan dr pengetahuan umum? kita tunggu perkembangannya selepas ini =P
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, September 06, 2007 2:02:00 PM
hehee pandai2 le korang...takpe2, aku belom ade mood nak tulih entry ni secara detail lagi...so time ni boleh le korang bukak ruangan gosip dan komen dulu pasal gadis2 misteri tersebut...nanti bile aku dah tulih dah ready nak taruk, aku explain la sume2...tunggu yahh!!
Posted by
Shah-Azz, Inc. |
Thursday, September 06, 2007 11:09:00 PM
matte kudasai...illegal to redistribute? abis tu ko add kt blog ni? hehe...dont tell me that u are against piracy..joudan janai yo..
btw...i WANNA KNOW TO...saper gadis misteri tu...(eh eh cam penyibuk plak aku)
P/s: aku rasa post ni tak poyo pun
Posted by
Unknown |
Friday, September 07, 2007 2:36:00 AM
uik takle camtu...simpan sendiri2 okeh kot..kalau jual2 tu yg illegal [aku beli gak VCD konvo larr]...kalau nak distribute tu bukan xbagi, kang ramai pulak tergoda dgn rupe kachak aku yg tersebar seantaro dunia nih...huahuahua...aii nak tau gak ker? nanti2 jap, kumpul dulu 2-3 gosip lagi hahaha (bunyi cam lelaku melayu terakhir lak aku nih :p)
Posted by
Shah-Azz, Inc. |
Friday, September 07, 2007 8:28:00 PM
TAHNIAH sHAGGY !!! Najib dah grade gak ke ???
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, September 08, 2007 1:04:00 AM
Congratss shaggy!!!!!
Posted by
Akmal |
Sunday, September 09, 2007 10:24:00 PM
Ais: yaa tenkiu2..gile akhirnye..ingatkan dah bungkus...Najib pon grad gak..tp die xdpt datang konvo..."komitmen kerja" katenye :p
Akmal: tenkiu Encik Ray...sori aku lambat sket..nanti ko tarik aku keje lar huuuuuhuu
Posted by
Shah-Azz, Inc. |
Thursday, September 13, 2007 10:34:00 PM
huahuha...aku baru dpt tgk cara shaggy berjalan atas stage. mcm nak kawad pon ade gak. lawaknye...oppss,jgn marah aar shaggy =P
anyway, congrats ek. aku harap x lmbt sgt aar aku wish nih.
Posted by
AchiQue |
Friday, September 14, 2007 12:40:00 PM
oh shaggy, aku nak jugak video berjalan atas stage itu (part aku jek)
ajarle aku cmne.aku rabun it.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, September 14, 2007 3:21:00 PM
congrats on ur graduation. may u success in ur career in the future.
Posted by
M. H. Jabbar |
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 3:17:00 AM
AchiQue: tidak mengapa...memang begitulah gaya trademark saya turun menurun..memang disengajakan sebegitu..
Isti: sile ambil dahulu video yg saya sudah donlod di PC saya di lab MRSD...dari situ nak edit ape2pon boleh..pakai Movie Maker dah orait
Master Hairol: Terima Kasih Encik..jasamu xkan kulupakan..
Posted by
Shah-Azz, Inc. |
Thursday, September 20, 2007 11:58:00 PM