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Tuesday, January 22, 2008 

Last Week of a Researcher's Log Book


Well, this is it...

I've finally completed my 3-months stint at TM R&D...and so, I've officially completed my 7-months INSEP uE course...

Although my last day was actually yesterday, today I still come to my cluster, since I didn't actually officially say farewell to them, yet...12 weeks have passed by, and I've been through a lot of ups and downs throughout this period...

But let's start with the obvious...about my task here...the active low pass filter...so, how did it go?..well, not quite as I expected...there were some promising results, only with a little bit more time, I could have actually made it...I felt that there's still a lot of room for improvements here and there that, had I trully FOCUS on doing it SERIOUSLY, then it will work charmly and brilliantly...

About the environment, as I'd mentioned 12 weeks ago, it was and still very much the same...it's very calm, no pressure, and no apparent stress...It is so relaxing, and yet, looking to my cluster-mates here, they've done a very professional job in doing their tasks smoothly and fluently...There's a little bit few hitches here and there, but overall, they've handle it pretty good...

I just wondered if for all this time, I actually took 'advantages' of these calmness of this place, which made me doing something not very seriously...I do feel guilty of not doing my job properly, or as it should be...been lagging here and there, everywhere..

Wanna ask me if I could continue on as a researcher here? Well, there is some chance, although I still have to go through the proper channel and follow some protocols, like, a CV to HR, interviews, and so on...but, the real question is that, wanna ask me if this is what I always wanted to be?

These question are always hard to answer, even it sound so easy...People take a lot of paths and a lot of turns, left, right, forward, or U-turn...Each will have a different outcome of their journey, of what they will become...My soul (or my 'silent' heart) tells me to do what I think I'll do the best - post production editing...but, as usual, my mind will always try to persuade me to "do this first" and "do that then" and so on...Like I said before, mind is not always that evil...even if it means to sacrifice something that I like, or love for all this time...and there will be times when both mind and heart are in the very same wavelength, both will agree that there are certain path that, should I figured it out, will bring me even CLOSER and NEARER to HIM...

So, I will not write out the possibility of being a researcher, one day..I also have a dream to continue further studies, Master or PHD...one can always dream, you know, as DREAMS ARE NOT FOR ROOKIES, GIVING UP IS (this is what Phil rectified later on when he sees Hercules are beaten and bruised, looked as there is no hope..."I'm ready to go the distance, how about you?"...typical Disney movie again)..

In the end, I'm going to miss this place...a lot...there's still so much more to deliver, yet so little progress from me ;o...I'll also have to leave the 14th Colleague of UPM...It's been a pleasure to have a roommate like Daus with me (sebnarnye, aku yg mencelah bilik die, huhuh)..

We'll see again in the near future...can't wait for another new chapter! Wassalam..

This is Mr Razi, my junior at STAR..of course, junior in age, but SENIOR in maturity..huhuu...

bro Fallah, as sempoi and as 'gile-gile' as ever

This is my supervisor, Mr Ahmadun...always cool and calm huhuhu..

This is also another one of my junior, Mr Hakim..actually, he is from the uE cluster...smart and good looking, a good package for girls (tp ko mmg dah ade dah, kan? hehehe)

This is the HOC, Mr Wan Razli aka To' We..friendly and easy going..

and finally, kak Nabihah, the only woman in the cluster..She was an ex-lecturer of UTHM, and she is the one who brought me and Daus here...

Welcome to our room...Mr Daus and me

There's only one bed here..but DON'T GET THE WRONG IDEA!...I've brought my own inflatable mattress, as you can see at my feet...shhhessshhh!!

A view of UPM-MTDC from outside of our window...

Yup...remember this number...3-0-8...

Spooky block...why? even it is L7, there are times it becomes 'P7' or some sort of it...au auu darn...

ur post really move me!
fight o!!!

so what are ur plan now bro? continue to phd? :-)

or maybe start a computer business? hehe..remember my suggestion long time ago...hahaha

my suggestion..Kerja kilang!! ^_^ or work until the industry screws you, then start your own business..and congrats bro for completing the program...

ps: moved my blog HERE..so update your bookmark!! ^_^

shaggy im very proud 2 b your roomate...come on life must go on..
u r superb dude..like john..john rambo..hehe...like to watch again..huhu

matyuz: glad to be of service, dude...hehe(xsangke blog aku boleh inspire orang, biase the other way around)

master hairol: aha,xkan ku tolak cadangan2 yg sedemikian...begitu juga hajat nak buat produksi perfileman sendiri...tp skg ni, biar aku kolek dulu duit sket andai dpt keje jd kontraktor..uishhh (aku mohon kat tmpt macik aku, so...emm)..pastu esok2 aku join ko gak lar huhu..

ray: arigato bro..haha..gua sudah updet link mu...carre2 ^_^

daus: uish xnak jd john rambo...ganazz sgt..aku ni walaupun berjiwa ganaz tp berhati lembut haha..lgpun apekehal "live for nothing die for something"..live for anything le bro..(tu yg rambo sangap sgt pastu sebat org gitu2 pakai machine gun)

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  • I'm Shah-Azz, Inc.
  • From Putra Permai, Selangor, Malaysia
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