Good Luck in Final!!
...i think it is not too late to wish you all for your final hop of the hurdle in the 5-year reign at KUiTTHO...i hope you all will grade with flying colours, so do your best ever in the exam...if not, then you'll be joining me in another semester of two...HAHAHAHA!!! just kidding...anyway, actually I've just finished my 1st final exam, Network usual, all those questions were actually the one I've wrote before but everytime I read new topics, the old one it is using substitution method or any means...nevermind...tomorrow, my economy test...Monday, EMT2...Wednesday, Computer Network...Thursday, Network Operating System...then...MERDEKA!!....then we can have our class party and live happily ever after...(huh?)...ah, whatever...By the way, I've upload the new Coursemates menu, as well as the DVD label and DVD-box cover...hope the design is okay for you...cheers..