Tuesday, August 30, 2005 

Shaggy's Guide In Creating a High Quality DVD-Video

For a long time, I was thinking of telling you the process and progress of my BVC's DVD project...Now, since it has been finalized, I'm no longer do the editing..at least, at this time until if i have my next projext...so, I would like to share with you the step I've taken in realizing this project, in a series of pictures..I've divided to 3 sections: A) Capturing & Editing B) Authoring & Burning C) Packaging. I'll sort the order of reading from top to bottom so you can easily view in the right order. Click on each photos to enlarge it.


1) My Lovely Sony DCR-PC105E Handycam...i've connected the Firewire port from the videocam to the Firewire port,located at my Audigy soundcard..Windows will automatically detect the existence of the videocamera.

2) The capturing process...I've use Adobe Premiere Pro as my NLE suite...you can actually control the videocam

from here...press the record button, and it will start capture to HDD.

3) The footage that has been captured has been imported to the Project widow. Then the 'fun' (& tiresome)
step begins - editing...usually, I'll took between 2-3 FULL weeks to complete a movie(what I mean by 'FULL' is, the actual time taken specificly for videoediting, excluding other times like sleeping, eating, playing etc.)...I could make it quicker, just encoded it without doing any editing...but the make the movie more enjoyable, you need to be creative and imaginative at certain parts (like, what effects to be use, what transition, how clips are arranged, what songs is nice to be
included etc...)..look closely at the sequence...imagine how complex is this...

4) Now, the most boring part of all...encoding...depending on the movie complexity, the codec used and how the bitrate/qualityis set, and also other settings used, an hour of video may tookabout 1/2 to a whooping 4-5 hours! On this example (The BVC Farewell Night movie), I used a 2-pass Variable Bit Rate with an average of 2Mbps. This was not the best quality setting, but I had to use it too preserve some DVD spaces for other videos. Notice the time remained...4++ hours!!! and that is only for 1-pass!! I took approx. 12 hours only for this movie to finish encoding...(My highest record was 35 hours non stop for MINT-UTMKL movie!!! crazy, ehh?). And that's for only ONE video...I have at least 8 in possession...


5) After all the videos have been encoded, its time to author it in the DVD. For a simple authoring, anyone can use Nero

(or any DVD authoring software for that matter). But to make menus, chapters, button, etc., you need to have a specialize software, like Adobe Encore DVD. This is where I took 8 months to do all of these stuffs. Aligning, linking, create chapter points etc. Again, using my imagination, I design the layout of the DVDs...

6) Now, the 'building' process...Instead of directly build and burn to DVD, I've chose to create an image file of it. So I can reuse this image file without repeating this whole process from the start. The process will take about 20-30 minutes, depending on how big is your stuffs in a DVD, and how fast your PC are.

7) I have 2 workable image files which I can open directly using a virtual drive softwares (such as Alcohol 120% of Daemon Tools)...but of course, these image files is stored on the PC, so I have to distribute it to DVD for you guys. I use Alcohol's Image Burning Wizard to burn every each one of them...one DVD+R 4x will take about 15 minutes, so for one copy (which include 2 DVDs), it'll take 30 minutes. The only way to speed up this process it to buy an 8x or maybe 16x DVD+R, which of course, more expensive.


8) I decided to burn the DVD first before sticking the label so that IF there was a burning error, I would not waste any CD labels if I stick it first. As you can see here, this is the kit I use for making the DVD covers. A glossy photo paper, CD labeling sticker, Fellowes/Neato CD Applicator, CD-tray for my Canon i865 printer, and of course, the DVDs which have been burned from the previous step. Shown here is also my Canon i865 printer. I think that this is the best printer I've ever used in my life.

9) To design the DVD labels, as well for DVD's box cover, I use Adobe Photoshop. I use the same template as in Encore DVD, and make a twist a little bit. I took about only a day to design this, since there is a sudden rush of ideas pouring to my brain. It still a complicated process, though. Note: You should find the DVD template first before designing you DVD box cover. This is to ensure you have to correct size of the cover.

10) Preparing to print on the DVD. first, I use the Applicator to stick the CD label on the DVD. Next, place it on the CD tray and then inserted in the slot in front of my printer.Then, using the appropriate printer settings, the printing process begins.

11) Next, print the DVD box cover (what else?) on the glossy photo paper.

12) The last step would be packaging. The 2 DVDs that I've stick with the label is put in a small, standard CD plastic cover. Then I've cut the DVD box cover, folded it and put it in the standard DVD plastic cover. "Hey, you said that it is a box-cover, not a plastic cover!". To cut further cost, I has to use this. A box cover is 5-6x times more expensive than a plastic cover.

13) There you go, a complete package. One of my early customer, Omaq, is so impatiently to have a copy...hehehe...

Monday, August 29, 2005 

Konvokesyen...bilelerr aku pulak...

asssalamualaikum...minggu yg lepas dah start dah pesta konvokesyen yang ke-4 nih...start sejak khamis ari tuh sampai rabu, sebab nak sambung dengan perayaan hari kebangsaan...so ape yg menarik pada tahun ni? aku rase,IMHO, pesta ni paling tak meriah berbanding yg lepas2...mengapa ek, aku pon tak berape pasti...tp yg ketara sangat aku nampak ialah, bile tapak gerai beralih dari parking depan utk lecturer cam tahun2 lepas, ke padang latihan golf kat ceruk mane kat belakang nun....kalau dari luar, orang yg lalu lalang tak nampak kemeriahan die...nampak sunyi sepi aje....even kat tapak gerai tu sendiri..cam best abesss...the same thing every year (tapi itu memang diexpected, kan?)...bagi aku, 1st konvo gak yg paling meriah...mungkin sebab die 1st time, sume budak tgh jakun2 lagi, so sumer aktiviti time tuh dikira best....kalau tahun ni, yang paling best pon, kewujudan 'KFC Mobile', sebuah trailer yg mengandungi ayam2 kentaki...kalau trailer ni lalu je, dienye asap tu adalah bau ayam, menyebabkan orang lain yg hidu bau ni perutnye terus mengikut rentak irama metal...rase cam nak hijack je trailer tu, pastu bawak balik, makan puas2...hahaha...lagi satu ade konsert ntah ape-ape ntah...aku tak layan konsert sebegini, tapi aku mendapati artis2 yg datang sume stok2 'kutip' je...tak kenal langsung...dah le tu, siap ade artis pompuan yg datang nak
perform, tp kene banned sebab dikatakan seksi
sgt...padan muke...tapi keesokkan harinye, ade nasyid lak, tapi cam kene 'boycott' lak sebab bebudak sumer lebih suka tgk Mentor final kat rumah :p..kesiaaann..ok cite lain lak,hari jummat ari tuh,dah ramai bebudak graduan datang...dari kalangan ahli rumah aku + jejiran aku ade 6 orang -
lann, jowan, ayie, ela, tikah, petom...ade yg dah keje, ade yg tanam anggur...tapi apepun, kitorang tumpang gumbira gak arr atas kejayaan diorang...harapnye next year kitorang lak...insyaallah...mase hari konvo bebudak electrical pada isnin yg lalu, aku masuk ke dlm kuittho...itu 1st time aku masuk pd waktu pagi...aku nak jumpe set2 seangkatan dgn aku...dan mempunyai 'tujuan' lain sebnarnye, tapi tak kesampaian (akan diciterkan pada blog diatas..:p)...yg aku sempat salam, jumpe n cakap...shahul (wakil 1st class honor utk BVC...cayalaa),
dia...yg lelain cume dapat perati dari jauh je...memasing nak bergambar dgn famili n friends...penuh sesak dataran siswazah nun...walaupun hujan renyai2 sekalipun sanggup diredah, asalkan dapat merakamkan kenangan disini...mungkin utk kali terakhir kot...sebab bebudak sibuk nak keje, takde mase sangat nak dtg sini lagi...emmm...nanti arr aku taruk gegambo konvo tu kat sini...aku nak mintak dari bebudak yg amik gambar dgn aku sebab aku sendiri tak bawak kamera time tuh...tapi gambar pepoyo aku aderle kot...saje nak merasmikan dataran siswazah yg berubah wajah...

Sunday, August 21, 2005 


I'm losing sight
Don't count on me
I chase the sun
It chases me

You know my name
You know my face
You'd know my heart
If you knew my place
I'll walk straight down
As far as I can go!

I'll follow you if you follow me
I don't know why you lie so clean
I'll break right through the irony

Enlighten me
Reveal my faith
Just cut these strings
That hold me safe

You know my head
You know my gaze
You'd know my heart
If you knew your place
I'll walk straight down
As far as I can go


Cure this wait
I hate this wait


PS - asyik taruk lagu jiwang jer..kene taruk gak lelagu ganazz...muahahaha

Friday, August 19, 2005 

Forum perdana hal ehwal islam...

assalamualaikum...sepanjang aku duk kuittho ni, forum anjuran rtm1 ni kali kedua dibuat kat sini...1st time mase konvo 1st tahun 2002...instead buat kat padang ragbi, ni die buat kat parking utama nun...dienye penceramah...mmm tak ingat la pulak...ade 4 org...yg aku pasti, ade ustaz akasha (cenggitu ke eja?) n bininye ustazah norbaiyah dtg...ader 2 topik yg diutarakan..."Erti Kemerdekaan" dan "Masihkah lagi ingat?"...yg 1st tu biaselar,sempena nak merdeka nih, dienye point ialah...Adakah kita sekarang ini benar-benar telah merdeka ataupun masih di'jajah' (dihanyutkan oleh arus kemodenan pada masa kini) dan menyebabkan nilai2 moral dihakis? ewah bunyi cam aku lak yg penceramahnyer :p...tapi tuler, ader sorang coursemate aku, amin che hassan akan glem semesia...kebetulan dienye besday hari merdeka nanti, so die dpt privilage nak bercakap (dan menyanyi) sepatah due kate...hehehe...persoalan seterusnya, Bagaimana nak memupuk semangat kemerdekaan kepada remaja zaman sekarang yg boleh dikatakan tidak menghargai, malah langsung tidak mengingati pengorbanan mereka yg bersusah payah bertanggungjawab utk mendapatkan kemerdekaan tanah air kita pada 31 Ogos 1957? especially kepada Bapa Kemerdekaan kita, Tuanku Abdul Rahman Putra AlHaj...laungan 'keramat' beliau, "Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!" terus kekal bergema setiap tahun hingga kini...Untuk topik seterusnya, die punye timeline ialah pada masa Hari Raya Puasa yg akan datang...gile lame lagi tapi dah buat rakaman...tapi sumer orang kene berlakon kononnyer hari itu hari raya...dan sume orang kene buat2 sedih dan menangis sebab die punya senario ialah...Bagaimanakan perasaan anda apabila menyambut Hari Raya tanpa orang yg paling dikasihi berada disisi? (a.k.a Ibubapa)...Tang ni ler Ustazah tu berceramah sambil tunjuk emosional yg giler babengnyer...mmg menyentuh kalbu sungguh...aku boleh rended ramai giler org (esp. pompuan) nangis2..tapi aku tak...sebab mase ni aku tertido pulak, so tak dengar & menghayatiler rintihan nun :P..huhhuuuu..ngantuk giler maa...tapi tuler, camna pakya ader hati nak ajak dan tengok forum tu, ia menjadi misteri yang masih tidak terungkap
hingga sekarang....

Thursday, August 18, 2005 

I'm 24-7 accessible...sort of..

Finally, our landlord Mr Samad installed Streamyx in all his rent house (including us!)...this is what we'd dying for a long time ago...to get access to a hi-speed low-cost broadband internet...the line installed is only 512kbps, but since Mr Samad himself is a TM Worker, he is eligible for a discount...and so, we only have to pay RM49 a month...anyway, we had to share the line with our girls neighbour....divide by 8...oklar, still fast...my 1st task was to update my antivirus definition, and to patch up all windows vulnerabilities...then..hehehe....its torrent time! i'm not an avid anime/movie downloader, so i didn't consume too much bandwidth for others...i mostly collect latest softwares & songs...i'm also not too keen on chatting on IRC or IM...so pardon if my status is "I'm on SMS" all the time :P

Saturday, August 13, 2005 

exam lagi dan lagi dan lagi...

assalamualaikum...sepanjang minggu ni aku terpaksa menggerudi kapla aku dan mengorek
segala data-data yg bersembunyi disebalik lipatan cerebrum dan cerebellum...minggu ni mmg stress abis..hari khamis ari tu, aku ade signal n system...sabtu ader sains bahan (subjek yg pupus cam pupusnyer platipus)...isnin minggu depan ade mikro-p...kalau setakat exam takpelah...tapi ader assignment CAE...lab report...pastu PSM yg hampes tak jalan lagi progressnyer...pastu dgn DVD kelas lagi...camna nii?? warghh...namun, setiap satu kesusahan itu adalah ujian dari-Nya, nak tengok sejauh maner kesabaran kita dalam menghadapinya...

Monday, August 08, 2005 

The stats said it...

I've watched the match between Chelsea and Arsenal in the Community Shield 2005/2006...so, my team lost to the last season's Premier League Champion...but I'm not worried too much about it...it was just a season opener...a warm up match...maybe I mentioned this because my team was lost!! but hey, just like the statistics have said, "There are NO Community Shield winner ever to win the Premier League title on the same season since it was introduced..."..it may be just a stat, but it could be an indicator...The Blues probably has currently the strongest squad...especially with a great goalkeeper and tight defense..BUT I wonder how can an 18-year old boy easily breach it...Probably Jose Mourinho will think of adding another 1 or 2 defense instead of striker (cos Drogba seemed to find his form...hmmm)

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  • I'm Shah-Azz, Inc.
  • From Putra Permai, Selangor, Malaysia
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