Friday, September 30, 2005 

4-in-1 blogs!

assalamualaikum! :)

sejak internet takde sejak hari sabtu sampai selasa, banyak bende yg melibatkan hal-hal keonlinenan terpaksa ditangguhkan...antaranye, utk rerakan housemateku...mencari wang melalui tenet a.k.a. studiotraffic...sehari tak surf bagaikan kerugian sebanyak berjuta-juta ringgit (walhal seposen je utk 200 site :p)...lain-lain lak, cam aku...nak tukar player fantasysports epl pon susah...patutler point merundum jerr...haa yg ni lak,bloggers...banyak gak menatang nak tulih...heiiishhh okeh...aku nak tulih blog yg panjang gile babes nih...sile baca dengan penuh ketekunan ...


malam nih ade Malam Bahasa Antarabangsa...acara ni kirenye kemuncak kepada minggu bahasa yang berlangsung dgn pelbagai aktiviti segala macam jenis bahasa yg berentap nak buat persembahan...tak berentap pon, sebab malam tu bukan pertandingan...ceh...aku ade gak tolong secara tak langsung dalam bahase jepunnyer video...kak ani yg mintak aku menunjukkan skil2 adobe premiere ku yg tak seberape kat die...kak ani nih mmg fast learner, aku baru tunjuk A die dah perabih sampai Z mudah skit keje aku sebnarnye (hehe aku dah angkat bakul ko, bile nak open table lagi? hehehe)...selain tu, jiran aku syam mencari hero cintan dalam bahase mandarin lak...pergh tak tahan mamat ni, mmg romeo...sanggup korbankan mata demi cinta kpd aweks...warkakaka...yg lelain tu, biasakle, ade german, korean, french, spanish, arab dll...ntah, aku tak tau nak cite ape...tgk gegambo ni jelah...

seat VIP special utk kitorang kat atas...tuh amoi pakya pon termasuk sekali...

syam sedang merayu doktor agar aweknye boleh nampak semula...

...dgn mengorbankan matanye sendiri...pergh tulus sugguh cinta nih...kuikuikui

aweks jepuns menari-nari....

...mengikut irama dendangan minah japang ni...lagu utada hikaru "first love" lagi tuh

khas utk koopai...kalau terrer try translate arr...hahahahaha...

language unites people...

bergamba bersama hero mandarin, si romeo 'mata bute'...

...pastu dgn penari japang....

...then penyanyi spanish lak

teringin gak nak 'bersatu dgn alam'....jadi matahari, awan...hihihihi


nothing much...cume ade xm kenegaraan je...tak stadi pon, terus redah je...lek ar, dah open book, bawak ler segala macam buku yg tu org lain ar, aku cume bawak buku modul dgn nota powerpoint lecturer aku je...jawab 2 soklan dlm mase 3, aku ape lagi, menggoreng arr....soklan 1 sampai 6 page...soklan 2 sampai 4 isi tak tentu lagi mantap ke tak...huuhhu belasah je larr..


setelah sengaja bagi alasan injured utk sebulan lebih...akhirnye hari ni aku turun padang semula nak main bola...aku rase care ni lebih berkesan dan menyebabkan aku lebih terserlah dalam menunjukkan skill2 aku yg terpendam selama nih...hehehe...bukan ape, setiap kali aku turun, mesti form punye, dan hari ni aku dah score sebijik melepasi benteng pertahanan yg kukuh ala2 oleh kerana aku dah kene tackle lalu injured lagi...maka lps ni aku akan rest utk lagi sebulan seblum aku jadi henry semula...warghkakaka...


hari ni ade 2 perkara yg berlaku...1st ialah presentation kenegaraan aku...pergh gile cincai je buat...tak prepare langsung...aku pon cakap tergagap2...iyelar, rehearsal kepende xde, on the spot je balun...kitorang buat cam ala parlimen, debate pasal "cara menangani peristiwa 13 mei daripada berlaku lagi"...kalau group2 lain memanjang je tayangan video sumer...sume berlakon nak masuk tv...tak fair arr, bukan dikire present pon...kalau tunjuk video, kalau ade slack boleh berlakon balik...takde rase cuak...hisshh harapnye dpt markah tinggi sikit atas -keberanian bercakap spontan- warghh..

selain tuh, kebetulan lak mende ni berkait dgn kenegaraan (walaupun tak berkaitan dgn presentation diatas)...hari ni kitorang "dipaksa" utk mengundi...almaklumlar, kan hari ni sumer IPTA pilihanraya nak pilih calon MPP...kalau mase 1st 2nd year dulu selambe je nak eskep undi, ataupun nak buat undi rosak...kali ni takleh dah, dah pakai teknologi beb...undi online...takleh nak main pangkah2 besar2 dah...yg tak bestnyer, undi kejadahnye kalau kene isi kad matrik gak...gile tak rahsia langsung...walaupun aku tau die nak check sape yg dah kuar atau tak kuar undi...aku dgr sape yg tak dtg undi, kene kompaun rm100 ataupun subjek kenegaraan bagi fail...yg pernah lulus pon kasi fail...aii,macam2 lerr...

inilah die bukti kitorang ngundi...slip pengesahan yg kene bawak utk dicheck oleh pak guard...kalau takde, takleh kuar..kene perambat balik suruh pi undi...

pamplet yg disebarkan...inilah ciri-ciri MPP "pilihan kami" yg kitorang kene 'checkbox' kan...>:P

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 

Tense moment in Samads Community

Something happened...something WORST happened...somewhere in our Paris...around the Great Samads Society (ceh, bunyi cam gempak abis le pulak!)...and it somewhat bugging me...

To cut the crap short, just this morning (around 5 AM, I was staying up), I was reading "certain someone"'s blog...I always check any new entries from my favorite bloggers by looking at my Firefox built-in feeder. Since I notice that this "certain someone" has a new entry, I decided to read it.

On my first run, I thought that it was nothing malicious in that entry. That "certain someone" told an interesting story of himself with his gf on "certain ocassion". (oppss! Now you know that it is a boy)...Of course, he did use some harsh, unappropriate word, but I thought that he tried to make know, 'gurau senda sesama jiran' kinda thing...If I were in that "certain ocassion" and that words are directed to me, I won't mind a bit...probably I didn't care at all...

Then, scrolling down until the Comment section....and...well, you probably heard a phrase "the tip of the pen is sharper than a sword", or something like that...different people have their own limit of tolerance...and obviously, different genders have different 'sensitivity level'..While I could stand those callous words, these "Commenters" couldn't...and I believed I knew why...after reread the entry, I thought that this "certain someone" had gone overboard...I mean, WAY over...

Just like those "Commenters" said, they hardly knew him, and it was true the other way around. But this "certain someone" maybe tried to act as he knew them very closely, so it's normal to use some 'fancy' words to describe certain people and event.

But it didn't work out, apparently...

And now, what happens in the Samads Gang community is a 'wierd' kind of is called 'Blog War'...and each of the entry will try to counter each others blog, to proclaim their innocents and defend themselves...

Starting from that "certain someone" deleted his blog around 10 AM this morning...then the "Commenters" head of the pack, let me referred her as "another someone" (oppss! Now you know that it is a girl), starts the war...actually, her bf leads first...while this "another someone"'s bf gave a somewhat sinister kind of entry, she just burst it all out...I'm not sure when her bf post it, but she posts hers around 4:45 PM....not only that..she actually re-edit her previous entry so that there are no more referals to this "certain someone" anymore...(the funny thing is, there are still two pictures of him available, although there's another one of them has been replaced...)

And I thought that it was over....But then, what's a war if there's no 'counter-attack'...

and so, it's this "certain someone"'s turn, launched a vigorious assault to "another someone" just now, in his blog (around 6:30 PM)...

While I had to admit that I actually 'enjoyed' this kinda fight (I'm waiting for "another someone" to arrange her next attacking strategies), I think that overall, this is totally ridiculous...I mean, C'MON, cut the shit out, why don't just you two (and others) get along?

I am not trying to 'guard beside other people's clothes', being a busy body, or act as an intermediary between them...but since this happens in my neighbourhood, at least I should know what's going on...Simply refer me as an "Outsider", where I watched, I think, and I react whenever possible...I'm not sure whether there's a probability of me being in their 'hate' list after this blog, and potentially join the 'Blog War' bandwagon...

I think that the win-win solution would be...that "certain someone" should apologize for what he said (and did) since he may not know those "Commenter"'s degree of patience and toleration for insensitive words. While for the "Commenter", especially "another someone", they should just not easily lost their cool for this kind of matter...this is not an issue to be gab about too seriously...we all 23 years old, don't we? It's just a 'glitches',a part and parcel of our friendship life....

But anyway, kudos to "certain someone", coz from what I see, he actually attempts to be 'friendly' (although he failed miserably)...and to "another someone", I think you are also correct on the lack of social skill in him, coz I believed I also had this kind of attitude...I'm not sure whether I'm gonna talk about it more since I've already mentioned it numerous times in my past blog...

PS - That "certain someone" may had deleted his entry, but I actually already SAVE it before he did it! Why? because I somehow knew that this would happen...For those who want to read it, you have to buy me a pizza (de ja vu, anyone?)...just kidding...I think that it's better that you don't read it anyway...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 

Smile In Your Sleep

When I'm lying in your bed play the motions through my head
you know that I'm thinking, I'm thinking...
and I have reasons to believe that I'm not the only
one you spend this time with, but I'll stay...

You say, you're weak,
you wont let me down [x2]
you lie through your teeth
you smile in your sleep [x2]

When we met you said we were the same, you know
that we're different, we're different,
and all the times you promised me that everything would
work out in the end, you were gravely mistaken


You lie [x4], you lie through your teeth
you wont let me down, you lie
I deserve better than this
I dream of steel.
Maroon and warm, your end.
You gasp for air. I'll see this through,
I'll see through you, your pale blue eyes.

When you're lying in your bed, your eulogy's been read
You know that it's fitting, you lie.


You smile [x4] I deserve better than this


Monday, September 19, 2005 

bodoonyer IE

selama nih aku surf pakai firefox je...tapi kat labcom serta sesetengah pc member aku masih nak mempertahankan penggunaan IE yg semakin hari semakin sengal...mase aku check blog aku pakai IE, aku perasan yang menu tepi kanan aku (yg ade profile, archive dll) terhenjak ke bawah...kalau dalam firefox die tunjuk ditempat yg betul, kat seblah atas...heran gak aku...

anyway kalau bukan sebab ni pon, mmg selama ni kite sedia maklum yang IE ni browser yg cibai...the very last innovative version is 4.0...masuk version 5.0 dan 6.0 macam dah takde ape2 penambahan...lagi banyak lobang ader le...tapi tak dinafikan yg firefox pon dah vulnerable sebab dah makin ramai yg at least die update cepat....dan still die lebih secure daripada IE...

kalau korang tak berminat dgn firefox pon, ade satu browser lain yg carre gak, Opera. aku start pakai browser nih sejak version 4...sekarang dah version 8, still hebat, still laju...cume ade kekadang tu mungkin die tak support beberape format cam XML ke ape...

satu je "kebaikan" IE ialah...cume browser ni je yg boleh access Windows Update...nak patch lompang2 Windows & IE...mengapa microsoft tak bagi access kat browser lain tu, sendiri paham jelah...dasar kemut, dasar bolot, monopoli tahap cipan...warghhh!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 

Firefox Extension yg aku pakai..

saje nak mempoyokan lagi blog nih...memandangkan dah cite psl extension kat bawah..biar aku sebut je ape yg aku install utk Firefox aku...mungkin berguna utk korang...aku byk usha kat popular donlod kat sini...selain tuh, aku usha gak kat rerumah rerakan amende yg diorang pakai..(rumah gen & ammar)...

in no particular order...
1) Flashgot
2) CustomizeGoogle
3) NoScript
4) Tabbrowser Preference
5) Adblock Plus
6) FoxyTunes
7) Disable Targets For Downloads
8) Linkification
9) StumbleUpon
10 ) AutoCopy
11) TickerFox
12) PDF Download

kalau ade lagi extension yg best2, boleh bgtau aku...selain itu, korang bleh dapatkan FireTune nak kasi tweak baik punye Firefox korang...okeh tamat poyo..chow..


StumbleUpon rocks!! aku nak promote bende best utk korang internet seblum tuh aku kene tanye korang dulu...

Pernah x korang, mase korang surf, surf dan surf, sampai satu tahap rase bosan yang amat sangat? sampaikan korang dah tak tau nak surf ape lagi...hari2 asyik2 website pi mai pi mai tang tu blablabla...hehari mengadap menatang ni je memanjang....aku tau sebab aku ni kire heavy surfers gak...kalau sehari tak jmp internet cam setahun...tapi bile dah hehari jmp, jd sangap balik aku nak promote satu Mozilla Firefox extension yang best...
...amende nih? ni adalah satu extension yg bakal boleh menghilangkan kebosanan anda utk surf...malah, barangkali anda boleh rase gian dan nak guna je bende alah ni..."Wah dasatnye, so ape gune dia?"...camni...first, bile korang dah install extension ni, anda tekan button "Stumble!"...anda akan dibawa ke laman webnyer utk sign jer...dari situ ader setting utk anda tick, topik mane yg anda minat nak lagi arr...

dah abes setting sume tuh, bolehle anda tekan butang "Stumble!" tuh lagi...die akan membawa anda ke mane2 web yg wujud kat tenet berkenaan dgn topik yg anda pilih...tekan lagi akan bawak ke website lain lak...tekan lagi dan lagi dan lagi....dan memacam website lg yg aku jamin, even korang sendiri tak pernah tau kewujudannyer...pada setiap website anda boleh letak rating bagus atau kureng dgn menekan butang kat atas nun...anda juga boleh bagi komen, kutuk atau puji berkenaan website tuh, baca review orang, antar web kat kengkawan, buat member dgn rerakan SU dsb...dan seterusnya, anda boleh stumble, stumble dan stumble sampai rase bosan...aik bosan lagi? dah tu, stumble lagi ler...hahaha...

aku dah try sejak 3-4 hari lepas, dan aku boleh katakan, mmg ade sampai tahap yg memang rase gian nak tekan je button nih..kalau korang xpenah rase camtu giler tipu arr...bukan ape, aku rase banyak gak le web2 menarik serta penuh ilmuan yg aku xpenah discover dulu...mmg banyak kekadang tu, mmg kuar gak web yg xmenarik, so skip ler dgn mengstumble lagi...pastu kekadang, die still akan stumble ke website yg sangat biasa anda jenguk..itu memang lumrah die kan random...tapi apepon lepas ni, dijamin mmg penuhler korang punye bookmark...hehehe...

anda boleh baca pasal nih kat sini...atau dptkan extensionnye terus di sini.(kalau ade version baru, mungkin link ni x valid kot)..igt, make sure anda gune bile rase bosan je...kalau x pon, gune aje...pengguna Firefox lah ekk...pengguna browser lain cam IE, korang cari le sendiri kat maner plugin nih utk browser korang...tak pon, nak lepas gian pi isap dadah jelah...huhuh...just kidding! :p

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 

Save Paper, Save Earth!


Yesterday, i stayed up all morning to finish my signal was not hard, but still i had to refer my notebook and the old Calculus text book...there were some integration techniques which i've already forgotten, such as 'Kamiran Bahagian Demi Bahagian' etc...I also mentioned that it was my packest day in the whole week (8am-5pm,8pm-10pm), so I was extremely exhausted and sleepy...I stole some time in the Opto Lab that evening by 'fulfilling my dreams'..zzzzz...and when the lab was over, i went back to my home and continue to zzzz for a while...but it wasn't enough since i had a night after 10pm, i zzzz-ed all the way...(not totally...I did eat and pray, mind you...)...

During that signal class, when I passed up my assignment, my lecturer asked why i wrote it in two columns on the 'lineless' A4 paper..while i only answered her with a smile, this inspired me to write an entry about my newly writing habit, and to share my thoughts with you, today...

Let me give you an example of an A4 paper usage. I've seen a lot of these papers are not fully used...I mean, there's a lot of empty space around or inbetween your writing lines. If all the writings on a paper is been 'pushed' and 'packed' to one side, then I believe that you could see that more than 50% of the paper is empty...this is a very big waste for this paper size...and I've seen that most people write something at only one side and not also using the other side...I wonder, since it's only for your notes and not an official paperwork, you are probably not required to do it very neatly, even for yourself...that's just my 2 cents...

Lately, I've been accustomed to a habit of "utilizing the empty paper space as much as possible"...So I've created a way to do so...For a notebook, I used a couple of empty A4 paper, folded into half at its height (i mean, retaining the same paper width) to create an A5-sized booklet...then, I folded this booklet to, it will have 2 'columns' per booklet page (or 4 colums across the original A4-sized paper)...then, I stapled the booklet at the, it does look like a book...

Whenever i write something, i will be filling the first column of the first page, first...(say that 100x!:p)...after reaching the bottom, i'll continue at the next column...then on page 2 1st column, page 2 2nd column, etc...Of course, it may look too untidy and too crammed, but what the long as I could understand my own handwriting, and retaining this isn't that bad, i believe...every empty space is vital and critical in saving our environment..

Only recently, I've changed my habit to use these empty A4 paper (a.k.a. lineless) instead of the line ones...while writing on the lined paper will looked neat and nicely, I decided to have MORE FREEDOM in writing and not simply following the lines...using empty paper, you can change your writing style AT WILL...i mean, you can decide how big or small your font size, how is the alignment (center,left,right), whether i write it horizontally, vertically or even diagonally etc...This will also contribute into saving paper as well...

Not many people actually collect their papers to be recycled...most of them simply throw it away or burn it...A have my own 'recycle bin' (it is only plastic :p) which I put my useless paper recycle a paper is not neccessary to send it to those authorized recycle place...whenever there's something not-so-important things to write, i will just simply pick up one from the 'bin' and write there...if i could no longer use any of these paper, then there's official recycle bin in KUiTTHO for any people to unload their piles of old notes and reference book there...

Remember, a paper is just a's not the paper itself that is important, but the content, or how you would use it, don't love your paper too much by leaving a lot of spaces and make it look clean...write something in it...and don't forget to recycle...

my notebook...darn, there's still some empty spaces here & there...

my 'recycle bin'...:p

Monday, September 12, 2005 

Blog pon ade spam?

aku dah mule perasan dalam blog aku, ade comment dari 'Anonymous' yg ngarut2 yg nak mempromote2 website, bisnes, suruh beli barang etc...walaupun aku ni open terhadap sebarang komen, kritik, komplemen dsb, tapi yg stail2 camni yg menyampah...aku memula perasan kat blog Ammar dulu arr...igatkan memember die yg tulih...hebat lak boleh speaking english..tapi diorang pi promote website yg bukan2...hampes...pastu aku tadi dah terkena dgn menatang haram jadah aku dah delete dah pon, takde pekdah lak...

agaknye ade ke spam protection utk blog? kalau mail dah ader, camna nak buat utk blog? takkan nak mendisable comment? tak syok arr, camna bebudak nak kutuk ke ape...entahlerr...

dah dah....aku nak buat assignment signal...dah kul 2:10 pagi...dah le kelas signal pukul 8 pagi...pastu lak, hari ni hari yg paling pack tahap cipan punyer...wargh again!

UPDATE: rupenye masalah ni takleh baru sangat...boleh check kat kalau nak tau lebih lanjut...

Friday, September 09, 2005 

I've lost a 'memory'...darn...

people sometimes did mistakes...but that mistakes usually costly and made people regretted for a very long period...

I made a mistake...and it actually happened ONE YEAR ago...but I've never realized it, until now...I couldn't actually remembered how it happened...oh well...

To cut the crap short, I would like to apologize to fellow Starian959 friends, especially those who attended the 2004 Gathering at Pangkor Is. As you've already know, I've made a video shot of our was a very long, memorable shot...about 1 1/2 hour...There was a lot of request from you guys, asked me to send the video..I couldn't do it immediately since I was a bit busy with my practical training...but I did, eventually, transferred it to my HDD...since this was a 'free' video, I had no intention of making some fancy effects & stuffs, just simple encoding to MPEG-2 to make a DVD-compliant movie...Then I've authored it and created a DVD-Image...I named the file image as 'Gathering STAR 2004'..At that point, it looked so seemliness...Nothing could go wrong, could it?

Unfortunately, it did...

Somewhere during the burning process, I probably accidentally select a 'different' DVD image file to be burned...Unnoticely, and not even rechecking the contents of the burned DVD, I've labelled it with my marker as 'Gathering 2004 - STARian 959', and kept it in my DVD-box...

Throughout the years, I've went through a lot of unfortunate events, such as a HDD crash...The DVD image file which contained the actual Gathering videos was lost forever (together with that HDD :p)...since I thought that I've already burned it, I didn't worry it too much...

And because of that, thinking of already having a copy of it, the source mini-DV tape which contained our videos has been overwritten with any of my recent activities...In short, I've no longer had the Gathering source video as well...

So one year went of my oversea's friend, koopai requested me a copy of that video, together with the video of Arie's wedding I'd unloaded all my piles of DVDs, and retrieved the copy of 'Gathering 2004 - STARian 959'...and when I checked the content...well...emm..shocked?? surprised?? stunned?? dazed??

"Before there was a legend...before there was an icon...a young boy named Clark Kent blablabla...." so I've burned a Smallville Season 1 instead...wargh!!

Even with super-duper strength, faster-than-bullet speed & all-seeing eye, it's still worthless without a 'memory' of the past...wargh again!!!

Thursday, September 08, 2005 

tercabar kredibiliti aku sebagai blogger...wargh!

sahabat kite si Ammar sejak akhir2 nih telah menunjukkan kerajinannyer melampaui batasan menulis blog..boleh dikatakan selang 3-4 hari mesti ade satu entry...giler arr, tetibe jadi terlebih rajin daripada aku sendiri!! dulu awal tahun, sunyi sepi je tempat tuh...kali ni dah ade transformasi secara mendadak...ade2 je bende nak tulis...aku sendiri dah abis idea...adakah mungkin kerana beliau telah berkecimpung utk meresignkan diri daripada persatuan solo se-KUiTTHO? entahnye...tgk gaye dah camtu dah...lek Ammar, saje je nih...aku kan tgh mempromote website ko, alright what? :p..
tapi, ade sorang lagi blogger kite, Mr. Bulues cam terbalik lak...aku ni selalu gak ler nak check artikel kat web mamat ni sebab die tulih carre gak - aku siap subscribe kat RSS feeder lagi tuh - tapi chessst, chesst & chesseses...k'mon Bulue, tulisler lagi kisah2 chenta ko..kan tu topik feveret...aku nak buat rujukan utk mase depan..kuikuikui...amendeler..
as for me...emm, sampai satu tahap aku dah blank nak tulih ape...mungkin aku pon kene berkecimpung dlm dunia 'berpasangan', pastu biler dah masyuk, boleharr tulih ayat jiwang kat sini...hehehe..apepun, jgn jadi cam blogger sesetengah bebudak lain...'one night stand' je...hampes...
by the way, nak promote gak blog rerakan geng samads yg lain...visit Pakya & Farah-'Wan'zon for more stories..

UPDATE - ops, terlupe lagi due anak2 samads yg blog gak...aku lebih terpk yg masih stay drpd yg dah gred rupenye...ada Ayie & Lann sejauh mane keaktifan mereka, tak tau lagi...

Monday, September 05, 2005 

penat gilerr!!

assalamualaikum...sekarang ni mmg dah patut cuti seminggu dah...tapi mengape aku still melepak kat parit raja pon aku tak pasti....kengkononnyer nak siapkan psm...siappess!!...banyak masa aku dihanyutkan dengan mengdonlod dan surf je...walhal pada sebnarnya, aku dah sampai satu tahap dah bosan nak mengadap menatang tenet nihhh...kalau time takde dulu, punyeler tenat, dienye sangap bagaikan terputus dgn dunia luar...emm...petang tadi, entah camna aku boleh terpikir nak tunjuk skill2 Thierry Henry semula a.k.a. turun padang main bola...dah 2 bulan aku 'bersara', injured le katekan (reason munasabah sepanjang hayat)...mungkin banyak masa aku yg lepas2, aku sedang pulun nak siapkan DVD nun...mungkin juga pada hari ni dah kire sampai peringkat sangap tahap cipan, hatta cipan pon tak sesangap sebegini...lantas dengan kelajuan mach 5, aku mencapai baju arsenal away merangkap jersi cipan pongkes yang tertulis 'Kluivert 9' kat ampaian belakang, beserta trackbot aku cap mizuno (2-2 pakaian ni pon bersangkut kat belakang sejak 2 bulan lepas!!!:p)..dengan boot adidas aku yg begitu berkilat bersilau gemerlapan sekali (memang padanler, lame tak bersentuh!), maka off to the field...pakai sock, boot terus main dgn rerakan yg hehari turun..takde stretching2 dah, tak terpikir pasal cram ke ape...dah le tu, aku tadi tak makan lunch pon...lapar nak mampus...tu yg tak fit @ tak form gile babes nun...cepat giler pancit...memula jadi defend dulu arr...setelah dibolos 2-3 gol, maka mencube nasib sbg striker (kan ni position asal aku?) boleh on je duduk depan...siap cube2 assist + membuat percubaan menarik...hehehe..tapi balik mmg letih giler...rase nak pitam pon ade...setelah tala air kat water cooler HEP, maka pulangler kami sumer...lutut aku ni rase cam bengkak lak..nampaknye terpakselah esok2 aku kene bagi reason injured lagi utk selama 2 bulan...:p...poyos...esok luse tulat harap aku balik rumah arr...

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